W koszyku
Giraffe in the Bath / Russel Punter ; illustrated by David Semple. - London : Usborne Publishng, © 2022. - [24] strony : ilustracje kolorowe ; 21 x 21 cm.
(Usborne Phonics Readers)
Giraffe is all set for a soak in the tub after a hard day’s work – but no one will leave her in peace! This lively rhyming story, containing vivid illustrations and phonic repetition, is specially written for children who are learning to read. A delight to share with young children, and there are parents notes on phonics at the back of the book. (opis od wydawcy)
Status dostępności:
Oddział dla dzieci
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. I/LO (1 egz.)
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